First of all, thank you for joining me on this new adventure. I am new to blogging. In fact, this is my very first post. I am very excited to embark on this new adventure and I am so glad to have you along. My hope is to have a blog that deals with some of the practical issues faith-filled people must navigate daily in this busy, frenetic world. I know I have my issues. I am tormented by the issues of bullying. I am appalled by the acts of violence our children and youth witness and even take part in. I am exhausted by the constant and perplexing pace of life. Aren’t you?  What issues hit you hard? How can we help each other work through them, or at least better understand them?

                I suppose I should tell you a little bit about myself. First and foremost, I am a wife and mother. My husband and I have just started experiencing the empty-nest syndrome as our son has only recently started his first year of college. The sports games are not constantly ringing in my ears and that “music” has happily vacated the premises. Hence, I am finally able to think straight and decided to put some of my thoughts down on paper. (To be completely honest, I miss him terribly and would willingly put up with the noise to have him back home. However, we must always look at the bright side and seek blessings whenever and wherever possible. Right? Of course, right).

I started my career as an attorney. I loved it. I served as a judicial clerk and then as a litigation associate for over 10 years until I had my son. I was fortunate enough to be able to stay at home until he was 10 years old. I know that many women can do the work and home thing. I am not so talented. I really wanted to be the one to see all the “firsts” and I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to do so. Still, as time marches on, I did develop a taste for adult conversation and non-purple colored characters on TV.

I guess I have always sought careers that were of some service to people. As a result, I felt a great calling to become more involved in my Church. I had always volunteered in some capacity ever since I was in high school. But I wanted more. I attended what was supposed to be an information meeting for a theological school near my home. I swear, I only wanted information! It was just a curiosity!  Well, somehow I walked out of there having signed up for a Masters in Pastoral Studies.  I am not really sure who was more surprised: my husband or myself.

So, I have been more involved in my Church as a Director of Faith Formation. It has been a wonderful way to share and learn more about my faith. I hope I can share some of what I have learned with you and that you will share some of what you know with me.

So, welcome to OUR blog. Put up your feet and stay a while. I’ll share my issues.  But I really want the opportunity to share yours as well. As I learn how to navigate this cite, I am sure there will be new ways to include your posts and comments. Please be patient with me and let’s get on our way to walking this path together.